Doesn’t this defeat the purpose? Not at all! As with most aesthetic sensibilities, fashion only matters if it makes you feel good. Only you will be able to see whatever visual spruce you lovingly give your vehicles. One thing to bear in mind: while the camouflages provided in-game by Gaijin or approved for sale on its Marketplace are visible to other players in a match, user skins are purely local. Fan-made and ever so chic, these offer the best solution to creating a unique appearance for your aircraft, tanks, and ships. Once you’ve tired of these, however, you’ll likely want to delve into the depths of War Thunder’s custom user skins. That’s right, the objective of War Thunder‘s infamous grind isn’t merely to achieve ultimate mastery of combat skill on land, sea and in the air – but also decking out your vehicles in sick new skins. A host of unlockable camouflages are included in-game, offering new colour schemes and options to better attune your war machines to different environments. But can you do all of these things while remaining the height of fashion? You understand not to silhouette your aircraft against the sun you know the importance of studying the map for natural choke points and you’ve mastered the bullet drop of your naval cannons to pierce enemy warship hulls at any distance. Imagine: you’ve downloaded War Thunder, played a few matches, and reckon you can take anyone who dares challenge your seafaring, aviation, or vehicular prowess. War Thunder skins are simply essential if you’re serious about the game.