For example, if you are using Internet Explorer, try opening in a different browser, like Firefox or Chrome. If does not open in your browser, try an alternative browser. How to test if a website or web page is down.See the following link for help with testing if a website is down or accessible through your network. If opens, but another web page doesn't open, it's a problem with that page or a filter is preventing the page from opening. If you receive a response or packets from, try opening in your Internet browser. If this is a corporate network, contact the network administrator, as there may be a problem with the network that only they can resolve. You can contact your ISP for help with making sure the router settings are correct. If resetting the power to the devices still does not help, open your router configuration and make sure the settings for your ISP are right.

After the modem and router have powered up and re-connected, test your Internet again. Leave them unplugged for ten seconds and then plug them in again. If you are on a home network, unplug the power to your router and broadband modem. If you get no response from the IP address and the address, something is wrong with your network.

If you can connect to the Internet, but no web pages open when connected, follow the steps below.