And Niflheim, a military empire of vast machinery made strong by the might of its magitek. Lucis, a peaceful kingdom of great magic kept safe by the power of the Crystal. But in time, the promise of its power brought war to our lands.

If the player fails to heal Ardyn with a potion or beat the snot out of enough enemies before Overkill runs out, the game is over and you restart at the last checkpoint.Lunafreya’s opening narration from “Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV”įor centuries, the sacred magic of the divine Crystal blessed our world and its people. While in this state, Ardyn’s blows deal tremendous amounts of damage. If his health drop to zero, Ardyn enters Overkill. Taking damage isn’t really much of a problem considering Ardyn is an immortal beast. The pesky crossbow Glaive will have you wanting to rip your hair out if you don’t become adept at anticipating their shots. More Guardians will show up, as well as Crownsguard and Kingsglaive. If the player decides to keep taking generators out beyond the mandatory three then the task will get increasingly more challenging. Fans who have played last March's Royal Pack will recognise the Guardians as the Rogue Queen and the Fierce King. The two Guardian types take on the forms of previous Lucian rulers. This isn’t as simple as it seems as each post is protected by a Guardian. Your first goal in Insomnia is to take out three of the handful of generators situated throughout the map in order to lower the city’s defences. Forgotten by all, Ardyn is finally freed from confinement by Lucis’ enemy nation Niflheim and a young Verstael Besithia, the father of protagonist Noctis’ best friend Prompto. It’s two millennia later that Episode Ardyn begins. The only recollection of Ardyn’s existence is tales of an evil creature known as Adagium. Unable to kill his sibling, Somnus has his brother exiled to the island of Angelgard, crucified and his name erased from all of history. The Gods decry Ardyn as unpure of heart and reject him as king. The conflict leads to Ardyn’s fiancée, Aera Mirus Fleuret, being struck down by Somnus in the crossfire. The Gods decided that Ardyn was to become the first king of Lucis which causes a violent confrontation between himself and his jealous younger brother, Somnus. Ardyn Lucis Caelum was chosen by the Gods and gifted powers that allowed him to heal the afflicted by taking the disease into himself, unknowingly becoming its immortal host in the process.

Two thousand years before XV, a plague known as the Starscourge ravaged the land and turned its victims into monsters known as daemons.